Jay Michaels introduces the comedy classic The Flying Deuces starring the legendary Laurel and Hardy. Oliver is heartbroken and joins...
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Jay Michaels introduces the cinematic cult classic, Carnival of Souls. After a traumatic accident, a woman becomes drawn to a...
Jay Michaels introduces Spooks Run Wild. The East Side Kinds tangle with Bela Lugosi and a haunted house. Watch, share...
Jay Michaels introduces The Last Man on Earth, the 1964 horror sci fi classic based on Richard Matheson's book I...
Jay Michaels introduces Night of the Living Dead, the 1968 horror classic that ignited a zombie revolution that is still...
Jay Michaels introduces the film noir comedy fantasy classic, Angel on My Shoulder starring Paul Muni, Anne Baxter and Claude...
Horror Hotel was released 62 years ago on September 12, 1961. Jay Michaels introduces the cult classic Horror Hotel starring...
Jay Michaels introduces the 1936 Oscar Nominated classic My Man Godfrey starring William Powell and Carole Lombard. Ditzy socialite with...
Jay Michaels introduces the 1939 comedy mystery classic The Gorilla starring The Ritz Brothers, Patsy Kelly, Lionel Atwill and Bela...
Jay Michaels introduces the 1931 comedy classic Parlor, Bedroom and Bath starring the legendary Buster Keaton in his 3rd talking...